
Transactions in Redis

Transactions in Redis are not like transactions in, say a SQL database. The full documentation is here, but to paraphrase:

A transaction in redis consists of a block of commands placed between MULTI and EXEC (or DISCARD for rollback). Once a MULTI has been encountered, the commands on that connection are not executed - they are queued (and the caller gets the reply QUEUED to each). When an EXEC is encountered, they are all applied in a single unit (i.e. without other connections getting time between operations). If a DISCARD is seen instead of a EXEC, everything is thrown away. Because the commands inside the transaction are queued, you can’t make decisions inside the transaction. For example, in a SQL database you might do the following (pseudo-code - illustrative only):

// assign a new unique id only if they don't already
// have one, in a transaction to ensure no thread-races
var newId = CreateNewUniqueID(); // optimistic
using(var tran = conn.BeginTran())
	var cust = GetCustomer(conn, custId, tran);
	var uniqueId = cust.UniqueID;
	if(uniqueId == null)
		cust.UniqueId = newId;
		SaveCustomer(conn, cust, tran);

So how do you do it in Redis?

This simply isn’t possible in redis transactions: once the transaction is open you can’t fetch data - your operations are queued. Fortunately, there are two other commands that help us: WATCH and UNWATCH.

WATCH {key} tells Redis that we are interested in the specified key for the purposes of the transaction. Redis will automatically keep track of this key, and any changes will essentially doom our transaction to rollback - EXEC does the same as DISCARD (the caller can detect this and retry from the start). So what you can do is: WATCH a key, check data from that key in the normal way, then MULTI/EXEC your changes. If, when you check the data, you discover that you don’t actually need the transaction, you can use UNWATCH to forget all the watched keys. Note that watched keys are also reset during EXEC and DISCARD. So at the Redis layer, this is conceptually:

WATCH {custKey}
HEXISTS {custKey} "UniqueId"
-- (check the reply, then either:)
HSET {custKey} "UniqueId" {newId}
-- (or, if we find there was already an unique-id:)

This might look odd - having a MULTI/EXEC that only spans a single operation - but the important thing is that we are now also tracking changes to {custKey} from all other connections - if anyone else changes the key, the transaction will be aborted.

And in StackExchange.Redis?

This is further complicated by the fact that StackExchange.Redis uses a multiplexer approach. We can’t simply let concurrent callers issue WATCH / UNWATCH / MULTI / EXEC / DISCARD: it would all be jumbled together. So an additional abstraction is provided - additionally making things simpler to get right: constraints. Constraints are basically pre-canned tests involving WATCH, some kind of test, and a check on the result. If all the constraints pass, the MULTI/EXEC is issued; otherwise UNWATCH is issued. This is all done in a way that prevents the commands being mixed together with other callers. So our example becomes:

var newId = CreateNewId();
var tran = db.CreateTransaction();
tran.AddCondition(Condition.HashNotExists(custKey, "UniqueID"));
tran.HashSetAsync(custKey, "UniqueID", newId);
bool committed = tran.Execute();
// ^^^ if true: it was applied; if false: it was rolled back

Note that the object returned from CreateTransaction only has access to the async methods - because the result of each operation will not be known until after Execute (or ExecuteAsync) has completed. If the operations are not applied, all the Tasks will be marked as cancelled - otherwise, after the command has executed you can fetch the results of each as normal.

The set of available conditions is not extensive, but covers the most common scenarios; please contact me (or better: submit a pull-request) if there are additional conditions that you would like to see.

Inbuilt operations via When

It should also be noted that many common scenarios (in particular: key/hash existence, like in the above) have been anticipated by Redis, and single-operation atomic commands exist. These are accessed via the When parameter - so our previous example can also be written as:

var newId = CreateNewId();
bool wasSet = db.HashSet(custKey, "UniqueID", newId, When.NotExists);

(here, the When.NotExists causes the HSETNX command to be used, rather than HSET)


You should also keep in mind that Redis 2.6 and above support Lua scripting, a versatile tool for performing multiple operations as a single atomic unit at the server. Since no other connections are serviced during a Lua script it behaves much like a transaction, but without the complexity of MULTI / EXEC etc. This also avoids issues such as bandwidth and latency between the caller and the server, but the trade-off is that it monopolises the server for the duration of the script.

At the Redis layer (and assuming HSETNX did not exist) this could be implemented as:

EVAL "if'hexists', KEYS[1], 'UniqueId') then return'hset', KEYS[1], 'UniqueId', ARGV[1]) else return 0 end" 1 {custKey} {newId}

This can be used in StackExchange.Redis via:

var wasSet = (bool) db.ScriptEvaluate(@"if'hexists', KEYS[1], 'UniqueId') then return'hset', KEYS[1], 'UniqueId', ARGV[1]) else return 0 end",
        new RedisKey[] { custKey }, new RedisValue[] { newId });

(note that the response from ScriptEvaluate and ScriptEvaluateAsync is variable depending on your exact script; the response can be interpreted by casting - in this case as a bool)