AMA with Gail Porat, Engineering Manager at Froogle


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I am an engineering manager at Froogle. I'm one of the early employees who worked on our search platform, and I've been with the company as we grew exponentially over these past two decades. I'm here to answer your questions about how we hire, our teams, our internal tech culture, and more. Ask me anything!


How easy is it for developers to switch between teams? Do you encourage this at Froogle or do you typically hire developers for specific teams?

Ian McKenzie

We strongly encourage personal growth. We're always working with our engineers to find the right team, the right challenges for them to take on next. We usually hire people who would be great for any team, and then place them onto a team as needed.

Gail Porat

That's great! How do you handle highly specialized roles?

Kirti Mendes

Hi Gail, Froogle has become a household name, it'd be hard to find someone who hasn't heard of you. What were the key success factors in scaling Froogle into such a successful and vibrant community?

Max Felix

wow, so many things! But mostly:

  • loading fast
  • keeping things simple
  • being embeddable everywhere
  • focus on our core, then expand outwards
  • never losing sight of what's right for our users

Gail Porat